Pets are our best friends. Our confidants. They're the ones who cheerily greet us every morning, only asking for love (and a few kibbles) in return. So, it’s important that we use the same natural products to care for them that we would our... (Read More)
The power of scent is strong; it can draw us back to our favorite memories. That’s why citrus oil can remind us of a relaxing day at the beach, or why conifer scents make you think of a hike with your besties. But scents can do so much more than... (Read More)
Having company over for the holidays? You can set the right mood by putting therapeutic grade essential oils into a diffuser in your home. Doing so will allow your friends and family to experience the wonderful holiday scents you love -- the Young... (Read More)
When it starts to get cooler and the days get shorter, nothing warms you up like a comforting bowl of soup. But many soups are packed with hidden fat, sodium, and calories. This fall opt for a lighter fare with this Roasted Butternut Squash Soup... (Read More)
How many people struggle to get through the day? Fighting silent battles, unable to reach out for a helping hand.
Although social media and technology have facilitated connectivity on an unprecedented scale, many people around the world continue... (Read More)
When your kitchen smells like the ghost of dinners past, you diffuse Lemon. When a child’s sticker leaves residue on your car window, you defy it with Lemon. When you need a little more spring in your step, you dilute Lemon with V-6™ and dab it... (Read More)
We’ve shared the superpowers of our most popular oils; it’s time to add “cleanses the skin” to the list! Why is that a superpower? Certain essential oils have skin-cleansing properties that can help reduce the appearance of blemishes and... (Read More)
Nothing says summer fun like days playing in the sun and nights sleeping under cool, starry skies. Whether you’re packing your bags for beachside camping or hiking into the hinterlands, you won’t want to leave home without a camping kit ready to... (Read More)
Set the stage for a great day by changing up your morning routine! Whether or not you’re an early riser, you can maximize your morning by taking the time to prepare for your day in the right way.
How often do you feel like your day started on... (Read More)